Logical Reasoning Basics – Binary Logic – Liar, Truth Teller, and Alternator

Thu Sep 17, 2020

Logical Reasoning Basics – Binary Logic – Liar, Truth Teller, and Alternator

In a progression of posts, we will cover the essentials of some DI/LR themes. The principal subject of conversation is Binary Logic. In a binary logic issue, we have individuals who either talk a true statement or a false statement. These individuals are isolated into three classes:

1. Truth-teller: This individual will consistently talk reality. All the statements made by this individual are true.

2. Liar: This individual will consistently lie. All statements made by this individual are false.

3. Alternator: This individual consistently switches back and forth between reality and the falsehood. On the off chance that first statement of this individual is true, at that point second will be false, third will be true, etc. Correspondingly, on the off chance that first statement made by this individual is false, at that point second will be true, third will be false, etc. There is no specific number of true statements or false statements made by this individual yet request is in every case TRUE-FALSE-TRUE-or FALSE-TRUE-FALSE.

Binary logic questions are tied in with making a few presumptions (sort of suspicions are portrayed later). These presumptions may offer ascent to certain logical inconsistencies which are the pointers that our suppositions aren't right. In the event that for any supposition we don't get even a solitary inconsistency, at that point that is the answer for the given binary logic issue.

Kinds of problems asked:

Binary logic problem, as told prior, will contain individuals who talk binary statements. The exceptionally broad pattern is that every one of them will offer 3 expressions. The quantity of individuals shifts from 3 to 5. For the most part, just 3 man problem is asked in the CAT. Presently, the inquiry will explicitly make reference to the number of them are truth-teller, liar or alternator. It isn't generally that we have an individual of every class. There are situations where each of the 3 can be alternator or 1 truth-teller, 2 alternator and so on. Likewise, when the quantity of people is expanded to 4 or 5 the inquiry turns out to be considerably more confounded offering ascend to more number of emphasess.

Think about the accompanying guide to comprehend a common binary logic problem:

Three young men Aman, Bagheer and Chiru answered to the inquiry, "Who among you is a Doctor" in the accompanying way:

We know precisely one of these young men is a Doctor, one is a Painter and one is an Athlete. Further, one generally talks reality, one generally lies and one switches back and forth between reality and the untruth.
Aman:                                    Bagheer:                                         Chiru:
I am a Doctor                  Chiru is an Athlete                        I am not a Painter
Bagheer is a Painter      Aman is not a Doctor                    Bagheer is not a painter
I am an alternator              I am a liar                                   Aman is a liar

Methods to solve:

Stage 1: With the assistance of certain statements made by these individuals we may have the option to recognize them with no presumption. Here is a rundown of 4 statements which one should consistently pay special mind to make the undertaking simpler. On the off chance that any of these is made by any individual, at that point we can classify them as clarified underneath.

1. I am a liar:

Consider if a fact teller says, "I am a liar", which is a lie as a reality teller can just say, "I am a fact teller". Henceforth, we can infer that the individual who said "I am a liar" isn't reality teller.

Essentially, on the off chance that a liar says that he/she is a liar then that statement will be true yet the liar will consistently talk the falsehood. None of the statements made by him/her can be true. We can finish up this statement can't be made by a liar.

The main classification of individual who can talk this statement can be the alternator. He can shift back and forth between reality and the falsehood. Since, he/she isn't a liar yet he/she can in any case offer a false expression, alternator is the main classification of individuals who can offer the expression, "I am a liar". The statement in itself will be an untruth. This gives us another clue that the statement continuing and the statement going before this statement will consistently be a true.

2. I am not a truth teller:

Similar to the explanation above, a truth-teller can never make this statement because if he/she makes this statement then it will be a lie which contradicts the fact that a truth-teller always speaks the truth.If the liar makes the above statement, then it will be the truth for him which again contradicts the fact that a liar will always lie. Hence, a liar cannot make this statement.The alternator can say, “I am not a truth-teller”, as he can say either the truth or the lie. This statement will be a true statement for him, which gives us another hint that the statements preceding and proceeding this statement are the lie.

3. I am an alternator:

A truth-teller cannot make this statement as this statement will be a lie for him which conflicts the fact of the truth-teller.A liar can make this statement as this statement will be a lie for him/her.An alternator can also make this statement and this will be the truth for the alternator.We can conclude that this statement can be made by the liar or the alternator.

4. I am not an alternator:
Similar to the above statement, a liar will not make this statement.A truth-teller can make this statement.An alternator can make this statement and this time it will be the lie for him/her.

To summarize the above explanations:

StatementMade byTruth or lie
I am a liarAlternatorLie
I am not a truth-tellerAlternatorTruth
I am an alternatorLiar or alternatorLie for liar, truth for alternator
I am not an alternatorTruth-teller or alternatorLie for alternator, truth for truth-teller

In our example question, Bagheer makes the statement, “I am a liar”, which implies that Bagheer is the alternator. Also, Aman said that he is an alternator, which implies that he can be either a liar or an alternator. Now, since Bagheer is the alternator, Aman is definitely the liar. This leaves us with Chiru as the truth-teller. Since Bagheer is the alternator, so the statements proceeding/preceding the statement, “I am a liar” are true, we can conclude that Aman is not a Doctor. Also as Chiru is a truth-teller, according to his statements, Bagheer is not a painter and he himself is not a painter, thus Aman is the painter. Now, Bagheer’s first statement is a lie (since third statememt is also a lie, so the order for Bagheer’s statements will be 1st-false,2nd-true,3rd-false), this means Chiru is not an athlete, which leaves us with the only option for Chiru as Doctor and Bagheer will then be an athlete. To summarize our findings:


So the answer to the question, ‘Who is a Doctor’,is Chiru.

Other statements such as, “I am a truth-teller”, can be made by all the three categories of person and so will not be of much help to us.

STEP 2: In some cases, where none of the four statements as mentioned in step 1 was made by anyone, we will use the assumption-iteration method.In this method we will assume the first person as the truth-teller and based on his statements we will try to find conflicts or contradictions that may arise due to the statements made by others. We will also use the assumptions-iteration method when statement 3 or 4 mentioned in step 1 is made by anyone as these statements will leave us with two options.Consider the following example:

Utkarsh, Ravi and Shivam made the following statements regarding the type of vehicle they own. Each one of them belongs to exactly one category of truth-teller, liar or alternator. Only one among them is a truth-teller. Further, we know each of them own a different vehicle and each of them own exactly one among car, cycle and bike.

Utkarsh      Ravi                         Shivam
Shivam does not own a   car        Utkarsh does not                 own a bike               Utkarsh is a liar
I am not an alternator       I am not a liar             Ravi is a truth-                        teller
Ravi does not own a car  Shivam does not own a cycle               I own a cycle

Now, Utkarsh says that he is not an alternator and as per step 1 we know that he can be a truth-teller or an alternator. To proceed with the approach, we will first assume that Utkarsh is the truth-teller and all the statements are true. We know exactly one among them is a truth –teller and we already assumed Utkarsh as the truth-teller.The question does not specifically mention the exact number of each category. From Utkarsh’s statements, we know neither Shivam owns a car nor Ravi. Reading Ravi’s statements, since his last statement is true so he should be an alternator (he can’t be the truth-teller as there is only one truth-teller which we already assumed as Utkarsh). This implies his second statement should be false but as per the statement made by Ravi, the second statement is also true. This is a contradiction to our assumption which means that our assumption is wrong.

We have to go for the second interation knowing Utkarsh is the alternator. As he is not the truth-teller, he has to be an alternator. His second statement is false which automatically makes his first and second statements true. We can deduce that Utkarsh owns a car as none of Ravi and Shivam owns a car as per Utkarsh’s statements. Shivam’s first statement is a lie so he can be a liar or an alternator. Since there is one truth-teller and the only option for the truth-teller is Ravi thus we can say Ravi is the truth-teller. This makes Shivam’s second statement true and so we know that Shivam is an alternator. Shivam does not own a cycle makes Ravi own a cycle. Shivam owns a Bike.


We conclude this post with this example where there are two alternators and one truth-teller. The question specifically mentions the number of truth-teller in order to avoid any ambiguity. Always look for Step 1 statements in order to make the task simpler and time saving and then go for the assumption-iteration method.

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